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South Florida May 18th - 19th 2019

Kicking off 2019 with JKD seminars world wide! Last year Paul Vunak unveiled the newest addition to his Rapid Assault Tactics program called the Clinch / Ground R.A.T.

The Clinch Ground R.A.T. program was first released in California Nov 2018. The original Rapid Assault Tactics ( R.A.T. ) program was first created to teach hand to hand combat program to Seal Team 6 during the 80's.

Since then its been adopted by more then 13 government agencies including the DEA , FBI , CIA and other military units. The program has evolved!

This year we start off in Southern Florida to preview the new R.A.T programs going into 2019. See how the training has evolved to address every range of combat!


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General Deposit $50.00 for 2 days! 

Deposit for $50.00

2 Day entrance to get Early Bird Price at $150.00 for May 18-19th, 2019

Reminder By APRIL 15th, 2019

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2 DAY SEMINAR + Free Digital Copy of Enigma 2 


2 DAY SEMINAR May 18th-19th. This will include a free digital copy of Enigma 2. 

Sign up below!  

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For DOM Instructors attending 1 or 2 days

for May 18-19th. DOM members get

$100 price for both days. 

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For attending 1 day either Saturday May 18th

or Sunday May 19th.

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Rapid Assault Tactics
Bruce Lee's energy drills and trapping!
Edge Weapons training
Clinch / Locking and more!
Develop Practical no nonsense skills for combat!

Based on the same fighting system taught to SEAL TEAM 6 by Paul Vunak. Handed down from Bruce Lee , Dan Inosanto , Paul Vunak and now to YOU.

A preview to upcoming R.A.T. Instructors Certification in California NOV 2019.


Open to all levels. If you do MMA , if your a traditional martial artist , BJJ guy , Muay Thai fighter , or an instructor looking to expand your training. Practical training to further enhance your skills for combat.

*****SEMINAR INFO*******

DATES: MAY 18th , 19th , South Florida!

10am - 3pm

2 DAYS - $150
1 DAY - $100


LOCATION: Absolute Fitness
3100 S Congress Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 33426


General Deposit - $50.00 - nonrefundable to hold your spot!

Door price - $200 - If we are not sold out!
DOM's get special membership rate. Space is limited!





Possible Dates: May 17th , May 19th


This is for intensive training days

space limited to 8 spots.

For pricing please email us at



Instructor Ranking and Certification. 

IN Progressive Fighting System.


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